Liste taxonomique T4, langue principale: FR, subsidiaire: LA, interface: FR, travaux en cours

veine lombaire ascendante

Navigation par listes
Page de départ Page initiale de la taxonomie
Niveau supérieur partie cardinale d'organe Abrégé étendu
Niveau 2 segment d'organe Abrégé étendu
Niveau 3 veine Abrégé étendu
Niveau actuel veine lombaire ascendante
Langage subsidiaire avec le latin
Language principal non Latin
Liste taxonomique
Equivalent français court
Terme Latin officiel court
12858 4730 part
veine lombaire ascendante
vena lumbalis ascendens
4950 15442 part
veine lombaire ascendante gauche
vena lumbalis ascendens sinistra
15443 part
veine lombaire gauche
vena lumbalis sinistra
4843 4676 part
veine lombaire ascendante droite
vena lumbalis ascendens dextra
4677 part
veine lombaire droite
vena lumbalis dextra
15357 part
premier veine lombaire droite
vena lumbalis dextra prima
15378 15433 part
deuxième veine lombaire droite
vena lumbalis dextra secunda
15380 15434 part
troisième veine lombaire gauche
vena lumbalis sinistra tertia
15382 15435 part
quatrième veine lombaire gauche
vena lumbalis sinistra quarta
9 items
Notes scientifiques
Libelle of note
According to NA3/4 and other sources, the first and second right lumbar veins drain to the Vena lumbalis ascendens dextra, the third and fourth to the inferior vena cava, and the fifth, synonym for the Vena iliolumbalis dextra, to the right common iliac vein. These are replaced to their proper place.
According to NA3/4 and other sources, the first and second left lumbar veins drain to the Vena lumbalis ascendens sinistra, the third and fourth to the inferior vena cava, and the fifth, synonym for the Vena iliolumbalis sinistra, to the left common iliac vein. These are replaced to their proper place.
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 4730
Number of children 8 (validated)
Number of units 9 (validated)
Signature 17598 (validated since 23.10.2024)
Date: 25.10.2024